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Everything posted by Alchaemeus

  1. Team name: "Team Name" Alchaemeus Kavraka Leafinnie Desperation
  2. IGN: Alchaemeus IS1: Guildmaster Tony's mattock IS4: Guildmaster Qualification IM5: Godlike Player IM8: Max the Classic /nhs
  3. Clans in VH have no citadels or weekly upkeep requirements. You don't have to log in a certain amount of time to make it worth joining a clan! We're a classic only clan looking to help grow new players into endgame PvMers or help guide you to maxing your classics. Whether its chilling afk and chatting to skill, hanging out in discord watching a movie, or helping us set a PvM record, we've got it all. IF YOU'RE READING THIS AND YOU DON'T HAVE A CLASSIC ACCOUNT, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? YOU GET 10% BONUS DROPRATE, MAXIMUM DOPAMINE FOR LEVELLING, AND IT ONLY TAKES A WEEKEND TO GET 138 AND HERBLORE TO BE PVM READY MAKE A CLASSIC TODAY How to join Message any of the below people in game or on Discord (find us via the VH Discord) Joining the Discord is not mandatory but without it you will miss out on all of the events and giveaways! Perfect time to make an account if you don't already have one. Current Staff - Gold Keys - @Alchaemeus, @Craftwork, Silver Keys - @k3ito Generals - Desperation Benefits Large active ingame clan chat Active Discord with 70+ members Daily (ish) Vorago, AOD, RoTS etc. learner runs (We actually just broke the Vorago kill speed record (9:03) (6/3/22) And also AOD kill speed record (6/6/22) We try to keep drops within the clan rather than selling on GE, and frequently follow a "pay it forward" approach to passing on gear upgrades for right before a boss. PvM AND non-combat giveaways like hide and seek! Simple Rank Structure Very lax rules "Family atmosphere" Helpful environment for VH or RS3 Questions Staff / Advancements Ranks/Progression 1. Corporal in-game and in Discord is based on your Discord activity, as handled by the @ActivityRank bot. Corporal is not Clan Staff, think of it as "regular" or "active member". Corporal IS, however, required before applying FOR staff. 2. Sergeant Generally more active people, getting some activities started on their own will move you on up to the coveted triple banana. 3. Lieutenant Is to denote that you're max geared and ready for PvM whenever. 4. Captain is the first "Staff" rank. Captains will have a trial period as a captain before moving up to General, which is "Full" staff. Captains are responsible for hosting two of the events per week while in their trial period. 5. General is full-on Clan Staff, they help host events, recruit, help prod along clan activity at slow times, and are just generally fun people to be around! (They show as Admins In-game) Rules (copy pasted from discord) All VH rules still apply! 1. First up - the rules here are the same as the rules on discord as a whole; no plotting felonies, none of the obviously no no stuff. 2. Don't be a douchebag. If you can't understand the simple wording of this one this clan isn't gonna be for you. 3. Flaming, trolling, sexist, racist, homophobic, religious, political, or illegal topics are banned in the #general channel. Yes. the wording is specific, and that means anything goes in other channels. (You won't be punished but may be steered away and will have to comply.) 4. #role-react to pick your game mode and unlock the rest of Discord. You can also opt-in to notifications for announcements and events (We don't use @everyone) Event Calendar Teaser: The event calendar pic is from summer of '21, but I will be working on another one for this year soon. (6/3/22)
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