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Everything posted by Bees

  1. Awesome stuff, Sandstorm. Looking forward to trying out all the new content! Great work; we appreciate you!
  2. Brilliant! Very excited to see the growth of Anachronia in the coming days, and the Slayer Helm update is pog AF. Love you for your dedication to the server, Sand. Keep it up!
  3. So glad to have you back! The new Brainstorm mode is a very innovative idea, and I like that you're branching out into new an unexplored territories. So happy to have you back, Sandstorm!
  4. I support this wholeheartedly.
  5. For some reason, the overload station timers will override any existing timers, even if those timers are longer (specifically, antipoison++). It's frustrating when the 8min timer overrides the 24min timer from the actual potion. Wondering if this can be fixed, to make sure the longer-length timer remains without being overridden?
  6. I don't see why not. Personally, I wouldn't play it, but ironmen definitely should have an option of something closer to retail gameplay; perhaps upon character creation, experience rates and gameplay mode could be two different options? +1
  7. Sequential responses to @Argentina rs 1) Great idea. I'm all for this, especially when I drop 8 books on a couple hours and end up having to run an errand or do something AFK. 2) This doesn't apply to me, but I'm sure it's nice for some long-time vets who have maxed DR. 3) Definitely a useful QoL improvement. 4) I don't mind running through the early floors, especially after prestiging. Not a bad idea, though. 5) I haven't even started PoF but I expect that those who have struggle with this-- good idea. 6) I like this idea. I vote every day, even if I'm not going to be playing, but this would definitely give me a stronger incentive. 7) Yes. I like this idea. People deserve a little flex in their life for donating to this, the most awesome RSPS in existence.
  8. Bees


    Ingame Name: Classy Bees Combat Level: 135 Total Level: 2394 How Long Have you been playing Velheim? About a year over probably 10 different accounts, but this account is my main/donor acc, had it for 4mo or so? What do you mostly do as a Classic? Skilling, for now-- would love to learn more end-game content like EDs/advanced bosses.
  9. LOVING the new ;;home region, Sand. Everything is so much more appropriately accessible. Preesh!
  10. YEEEEAAAAAAA. Super pumped for this! I sure hope for a SoF promo as well. Would be dope to roll some proteans for this.
  11. Bees


    I'm sure there's already a topic regarding this, but I started playing FFXIV several months ago, and although I'm not very far into the game (mid lv30s), I love it just as much as I love Vel. What about you guys? And what class do you guys play, and on what server? Server: Carbuncle Name: Fetti Beretti Class: BRD
  12. Fantastic guide, brother. As someone who stopped playing RS religiously post-EoC, a lot of this stuff I'm clueless about, so this will help tremendously. Thanks!
  13. Bees

    Howdy, all

    Hello, all. Most of y'all have see my dumb *ss around Gielinor. Just figured I'd drop by the forums and say "Wadduuup." So, yeah. Wadduuuup. -Bees
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