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Everything posted by Bees

  1. Awesome stuff, Sandstorm. Looking forward to trying out all the new content! Great work; we appreciate you!
  2. So glad to have you back! The new Brainstorm mode is a very innovative idea, and I like that you're branching out into new an unexplored territories. So happy to have you back, Sandstorm!
  3. I support this wholeheartedly.
  4. For some reason, the overload station timers will override any existing timers, even if those timers are longer (specifically, antipoison++). It's frustrating when the 8min timer overrides the 24min timer from the actual potion. Wondering if this can be fixed, to make sure the longer-length timer remains without being overridden?
  5. I don't see why not. Personally, I wouldn't play it, but ironmen definitely should have an option of something closer to retail gameplay; perhaps upon character creation, experience rates and gameplay mode could be two different options? +1
  6. Sequential responses to @Argentina rs 1) Great idea. I'm all for this, especially when I drop 8 books on a couple hours and end up having to run an errand or do something AFK. 2) This doesn't apply to me, but I'm sure it's nice for some long-time vets who have maxed DR. 3) Definitely a useful QoL improvement. 4) I don't mind running through the early floors, especially after prestiging. Not a bad idea, though. 5) I haven't even started PoF but I expect that those who have struggle with this-- good idea. 6) I like this idea. I vote every day, even if I'm not going to be playing, but this would definitely give me a stronger incentive. 7) Yes. I like this idea. People deserve a little flex in their life for donating to this, the most awesome RSPS in existence.
  7. Bees


    Ingame Name: Classy Bees Combat Level: 135 Total Level: 2394 How Long Have you been playing Velheim? About a year over probably 10 different accounts, but this account is my main/donor acc, had it for 4mo or so? What do you mostly do as a Classic? Skilling, for now-- would love to learn more end-game content like EDs/advanced bosses.
  8. LOVING the new ;;home region, Sand. Everything is so much more appropriately accessible. Preesh!
  9. YEEEEAAAAAAA. Super pumped for this! I sure hope for a SoF promo as well. Would be dope to roll some proteans for this.
  10. Bees


    I'm sure there's already a topic regarding this, but I started playing FFXIV several months ago, and although I'm not very far into the game (mid lv30s), I love it just as much as I love Vel. What about you guys? And what class do you guys play, and on what server? Server: Carbuncle Name: Fetti Beretti Class: BRD
  11. Fantastic guide, brother. As someone who stopped playing RS religiously post-EoC, a lot of this stuff I'm clueless about, so this will help tremendously. Thanks!
  12. Bees

    Howdy, all

    Hello, all. Most of y'all have see my dumb *ss around Gielinor. Just figured I'd drop by the forums and say "Wadduuup." So, yeah. Wadduuuup. -Bees
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