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Everything posted by Nhs

  1. Always love QoL updates! Great work!
  2. Lot's of amazing discussions happening here, and I'm really glad the community is coming together instead of the usual "fix eco" comments in the friends chat and my PMs/Discord and the other staffs PM/Discord as well. It's incredible to see such a dedicated player base that want to better the server and see it flourish. Just wanted to add my two cents to the gambling subject, I'll add to the other subjects when I have time! Gambling I strongly disagree with the idea of gambling PERSONALLY. I've seen it ruin too many good things, including people (Like myself). The last thing I want to see is a young player getting introduced to the idea of it, and watching them go down the rabbit hole. Now, gambling can greatly clean up the economy for sure. Lottery with a tax system in place, lots of ideas will work, especially if done right. However, I feel if players could gamble with each other it would just result in one mega rich player/clan controlling everything. A server gambling NPC could work with odds against the player (like a 60% player loss rate kinda deal) But gambling just has too many long lasting, and real life cons to consider it being in game.
  3. Sorry you won't see me on during my usual times! Starting school again, and my work will be picking back up!

  4. Welcome Mittywills! I love camping myself too!
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