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Everything posted by Fulltimewife

  1. With regards to what is the "best" style, that simply isn't the case with Velheim, each style has something it's good at Single Target Prolonged Fight - Range Single Target Short Fight - Melee ( Any form of AoE Content (above 3 targets) - Mage With regards to BiS, it wholly depends on the content in which you are partaking in, but the baseline sets will be as follows: Relevant for all styles: Amulet - Essence of Finality (or) Mage Spec = Guthix Staff for Single Target, Zuriels Staff for AoE Range = Magic Shortbow Melee = Dragon Dagger or Dragon Mace Tribrid = Eldritch Crossbow Gloves - Cinderbane if the target is Poisonable Cape - Kiln Cape Ring - Ring of Death for camping / Asylum Surgeon Ring for Special Attacks Melee: Dual Wield - Khopesh Set Two-Handed Single Target - Zaros Godsword / Masterwork Spear for Corp Two-Handed AoE - Noxious Scythe Armour Set - Custom-fit trimmed spiked masterwork Gloves - Custom-fit trimmed spiked masterwork if not poisonable Boots - Custom-fit trimmed spiked masterwork Range: Dual Wield - Ascension Set Two Handed - Seren Godbow with Caroming 4 Armour Set - Elite Sirenic Gloves - Ascension Grips if not poisonable Ammo Slot - Black Stone Arrows if using Bow, Ascendri (e) if using Crossbows, Ruby Bakrimenel Bolt (e) if fighting high HP mobs with Crossbow Boots - Flarefrost Mage: Dual Wield - Praesul Set Two Handed - Staff of Sliske Armour Set - Elite Tectonic Gloves - Celestial Handwraps if not poisonable Boots - Blast Diffusion If you're looking to perk all of these items, refer to here: Hope this helps
  2. This is the complete opposite of what Arcadiez suggestions are, they're not suggesting you use GP for these, they're suggesting you repair them with the respective items to create them, which will further increase the "hoarding problem" as players will not sell these items for GP when they need them for repairing items..... If you believe me to be aimlessly shitting on his ideas, you have not read or understood anything I have said, Arcadiez has & they very much understands that I am not talking out of my ass or disagreeing with him for the sake of disagreeing, his point about the drygores & armour, I agree with because those are sensible ideas with a sensible change to the economy, however, the changes I do not agree with are the ones I have listed, Furthermore, you have also fallen victim to the one thing you're annoyed at me for, you haven't given any constructive criticism to my arguments as to why I believe Arcadiez's to be bad, nor offered any real replies other than "t92s should be expensive to use"
  3. Respectfully disagree, why would I farm a T92 weapon, just to actively harm myself using it & only limit it to using it at places that will refund me the money of using it?, it defeats the purpose of farming these weapons if the only place I can comfortably use it, is at bosses that either drop the weapons for repair costs, or bosses that make enough money on an hourly basis I can justify using it, both of which are extremely bad ideas, because, the "stop players hoarding items" will become a worse problem, since players will hoard these items to repair their gear, rather than sell it. It won't, it will not make end-game items more valuable, it will force players to not sell them at all, it would force anyone who cannot sustain their T92s to just, use lesser weapons until they can use their T92s, (Chaotics & Royal Crossbow for Range). I'm not entirely sure how mid-tier items will be more valuable if end-game items are repaired with their parts, is it for the point I mentioned about players won't use their T92 gear if they can't sustain it? So they'll use mid-tier items to compensate for the lack of ability to use T92? They'll just use Chaotics & Drygores, both of which would be really cheap to upkeep & obtain, one of which is an untradeable, so the mid-tier items haven't really changed as there's no reason to aim for t85 gear from GWD2 if Chaotics are cheaper to maintain for the average player. So you 100% believe that in order to repair an Eldritch Crossbow, a respective ECB piece is a good idea, as is dormant pieces for Telos items? Death should be punishing, yes, but if the cost of repair is a part of the weapon, players who are not like myself, sterling or foxx, who can comfortably run ED3 for pieces to upkeep our ECBs, or run Telos all day to upkeep our Telos weapons are severely fucked by this, this doesn't punish players who can farm these items because our death are few & far between at these places, you're just punishing the average player entering the end-game because their gear upkeep is vastly more than it should be.
  4. Okay this is actually good, this is actual transparency that players have been asking for, 10/10 step in the right direction if you keep these up
  5. This doesn't make it "expensive to repair" this makes it expensive to use, you will not use these weapons unless they're extremely high-end bosses if the repair cost was this ridiculous. Armour ones seem fine? T92 can just make the sirenic / tectonic repair patches from Elite Dungeons, Trimmed Masterwork repaired with regular Masterwork gear & that fixes that really. This is just a cop out disclaimer, you gave your opinion, I gave mine on why it's a bad idea, just adding that doesn't make your suggestions free from criticism. My opinion is that a full blown eco reset should be added, a Velheim 2.0, but Sandstorm will never do that as he has stated in the past that there will be none, with the countless changes to drop rates, dupes, "bad rng" that players had for months, there's just piles upon piles of shit really & the best course in my opinion, would be a do-over with everything he's learned so far.
  6. Well RNG is RNG of course, you could never see a signet in hundreds of runs, like we had with ED2 & ED3 with ECB pieces, that's just RNG of course, but looking at average opportunity cost, given the drop-rate of signets, you should see a full crossbow before you exhaust your current, but again, that's on an average basis, bad RNG is a thing that can happen
  7. Repairing Telos weapons with the dormant version of the weapon sounds incredibly questionable, because, why would you? Repairing drygores with damaged chitin sounds pretty good, I believe that's the intended way on RS3, so, no real complaints there. Repairing Ascensions Crossbows with Keystones is also extremely questionable, since the opportunity cost of just running the legio associated with it to gain another signet ring will just outweigh the reasoning to repair the weapon with the keystone when you can just farm another weapon with it. If the cost is a dormant version, it'd be more cost effective to just disassemble it once the durability got too low & remake a new weapon all together, because then you gain invention EXP, materials from the weapon & your perks back. Last I checked, Dormant SGBs sell for 700m+, Zaros Godswords for 350+ and Staff of Sliskes sell for roughly the same, so these opportunity costs to repair a weapon is kind of steep in my opinion. ECB being repaired with ECB parts is also ??, ECB parts are not equal, because of the bad RNG of the playerbase, there is significantly less limbs in-game than there are the other two pieces, using a limb to repair an ECB is a massive waste as you can just, make another ECB & disassemble the ECB you were using to return the gizmos + gain perks. Overall a massive 3/10 for these high-level changes, the drygore one is reasonable & fine, the rest are incredibly disconnected from the state of PvM in velheim.
  8. I have virtually no ranged bonus from my armour, nor defences & can still full afk it, as stated, you can more than likely do the exact same with chaotics, you just might need to sacrifice your DPS aura for vamp, you can still AFK it, just less kills/hr than someone with "1.5b crossbows", it's just slower, but just as effective from an AFK standpoint. I fully understand that not everyone bought their crossbows when I did, nor want to spend the time to farm a set & are currently buying it for the price they are currently, but you can still AFK kree'arra with the same setup & replace ascensions for chaotics, replace dark magic with vamp & achieve the same result, just less kills/hr
  9. Yes but no, as I stated earlier K'ril hurts a fuckton & isn't really AFK friendly due to the absence of Soulsplit, so trying to AFK that boss won't give you much return, so trying to AFK it in less than ideal gear, will end up just killing you as Vamp alone is not strong enough to heal you, it's also a primary reason why nobody does it, as also mentioned prior, it's not AFK friendly. My gear set for kree'arra shows that you don't need BiS gear to afk it, it's super accessible, you can probably even do it with Chaotics (might need Vamp aura), but it's still extremely accessible for anyone who wants to do it as Gemstone Armour is just, Gemstone dragons from Slayer, Armadyl Chest/Legs come from the boss. Even getting Precise 6, which is armadyl components, just farming Kree'Arra will fund that, so you can perk your chaotics to make farming the boss even more efficient & make a net profit on components. But again, what I'm describing here, is the reason why the eco doesn't really, exist, people just self-farm their own stuff, there's no real reason for anyone to buy gear on the GE as you can more often than not, do it yourself at every stage of gear requirements & needs.
  10. I full afk Kree'Arra using this setup. Bolts are usually onyx, but I ran out & haven't really played to replenish. No aura, if I am using an aura, I use Dark Magic
  11. With regards to GWD1 armour, the reason nobody sells is because nobody farms for the purpose of selling. Armadyl - Farmed for components, you need dozens of sets to combat the fucking meme that precise farming is, people don't want to sell their sets because they're using it for components. Bandos - People just alt-scapes for Masterwork or buy Masterwork for the pitiful price that it is currently (250m) Subjugation - Same as Armadyl & Bandos, people don't know how to farm K'ril effectively, so people don't, they die to the overhead slam, cite shit game, then just do Vorago or buy tectonic energy, nobody really farms K'ril for the profit. Saradomin - Doesn't drop armour, Chaotics are better than Armadyl Crossbow & can be obtained in a tenth of the time, no real reason to be here so people don't do it. Anyone that can farm GWD1 effectively, doesn't as it's just not overly worth it to do so for the sake of profit, there's better money makers for less effort
  12. I stated it 3 times, the ECB spec is a fixed amount of time, the number represents how much damage that weapon does within that fixed amount of time, change ECB Spec to "15 Seconds" & it's the exact same thing, but I often forget there's many people who know very little about the game, so next time I'm sharing such things, I'll remove all of the maths & just stick to short & sweet numbers & if anyone wants to see the proof / theory behind it, I'll supply it
  13. Check again, I hope that's simple enough for people to understand
  14. He asked if off-hands were buffed enough, I showed him a comparative, showing Dual Wield weapons vs Eldritch Crossbow, showing how they compare to one another, since Sand does what he believes is correct, I showcased that every tier as low as t60 out dps'd the T92 Crossbow, which I thought was self-explanatory that Dual Wielding is super fucking OP, if I should have provided more context that one number is vastly larger than another & that the tier is vastly lower, that means that number is better, then I'll do that in the future
  15. I've been debating replying because I was dragged into it, but I will like to touch on this & the following quotes. Why highlight the good parts of the server? If it's a good part of the server, why not just leave it as is & give attention to the bad parts that need changes? Making needless "this server is good because of X reasons" seems meh in my opinion? Unless it's a positive reaffirmation & sand doesn't know something is good for the server unless the players mention it, then sure, I can buy that as a reason. Yes, I approach these situations maturely because otherwise I risk being banned for saying the wrong thing, so everytime I am asking questions regarding the state of the server or any of my concerns, they have to be professional & polite, else I risk being silenced for having the incorrect opinion of the server. My opinion of the server lately is a negative one, I for one am extremely fed up & bored of the current state, partly because the community sucks, partly because Sandstorm listens to the idiots among the community that have stupid opinions. Regarding this thread, as I gave my input on that thread & regarding the problem I believe Velheim to have, Sandstorm then made a follow up thread & told us that we are wrong, a screenshot of this is provided citing "transparency", That quote was taken from said follow-up thread, but is actively disproved by my question, a change occurred, nobody was notified, people are left confused. This is one of many, many examples, to name one invention perks (Precise was fixed 3 weeks prior to the change-log being updated, Aftershock was a custom perk for god knows how long before I delved into it to try & crack what the problem was, it was then discovered in an off-hand comment by sand in the friends chat, that Aftershock is a custom perk despite not telling anyone, on any forum post, it was then reverted some time after). I'm not really sure how to finish this post, I enjoy Velheim, but I don't enjoy the direction it's going, if Sandstorm believes this direction to be the best for Velheim & the community at large, then so be it, I guess that'll be the next era of Velheim
  16. Protect from Melee, Range & Mage Deflect from Melee, Range & Mage Unless Deflect has the 50%, but Protect has 100%?
  17. First of all, more caroming is bad, we don't want more caroming, we want less caroming, keeping it contained to 2H Bows is fine, but less caroming is good caroming, you think you want it, until you use it on those weapons & realise it's just going to be another nightmare for balance issues The problem with mage isn't actually the gear, it's just where can it be used to make use of it's purpose, the main places that come to mind is Elite Dungeon 1,2 & 3. Most Elite Dungeon 1 & 3 Farmers bring Staff AND Dual Wielding, whilst Elite Dungeon 2 farmers will only bring a Staff. Why? The Staff is strictly better damage, T92 vs T90, T92 Staff will beat it any day, but why the Dual Wielding with Rebounder then, the short answer is "stun immunity" as Elite Dungeon 1 and 3 have an ungodly amount of enemies that can & will chain stun you & 100 - 0 you before you can react, we use the Rebounder prevent this, however, some players such as myself also opt to using a Leg Armour Swap with Reflexes 6, this gives us a 60% chance of avoiding the stun & we can gamble with the staffs higher damage, but the Dual Wield is objectively better (100% vs 60%), as your damage doesn't matter if you can't attack. When looking at the Bosses encounters in which Mage excels at, Elite Dungeon 1, 2 and 3 come to mind, Mage is just objectively better than Range for AoE, situationally worse than Melee but anyone using my strats / routes well never run into that situation, as the melee is technically better for that section & "strat", but worse for time over-all Mage is unironically, the most balanced combat style in terms of Dual Wielding & Staff usage, both of them have their use in which they perform perfectly in, the other two styles is a meme. Melee is situationally balanced but still pretty bad Range is just, fucked, ECB > SGB > Ascension Crossbows > Noxious Longbow, the current usage for Ascensions is to fish Deathmark procs when a boss has massive damage mitigation (Like Black Stone Dragon phase 4) or Vorago during phase 2 & 4
  18. Anyone with an ECB is using protection prayers, I am highly doubtful of anyone else in the game using it, seeing as there's no use, ECB users are the only people I can make a reasonable enough argument for using it. The change will only really affect us, which I am okay with seeing as it's a good change & at the very least, will make ECB'ing slightly more thought provoking as opposed to using it whenever you have your adren at 22 / 25% as it's pretty hard to die if you just pay attention to your prot prayers EDIT: People who afk slayer is something I guess people would use prot prayers on, but as sand doesn't like afking, the 50% will assist in people who just afk at slayer mobs all day
  19. Can we get an option for both?, 2hs are too strong even w/o factoring in dual wields, but dual wields could also use some love for the future (like ecb eof with ascensions, hint hint, please sand I am begging you for multi eof) Also "bare in mind PvM is already super easy" can you override question #1 & just make prot prayers 50%, to make PvM less easy?
  20. Staff: As most of the staff I don't really, care to mention as I believe they just do their job & what's asked of them, so they're a-okay in my book, however I will like to highlight some individuals, I will also extend my critique of @Sandstorm to be reflected in the Server section as, well, he runs the server so it's a direct critique of him. @Nhs Positives: Honestly the biggest boon to staff I've seen in a hot minute, the complete transparency I've gotten off them is amazing & consistency in their performance is 10/10 Negatives: none, not a single thing @Dynasty Positives: Has put aside their "ego" (harsh word) & apologized on behalf of the staff team after a helper muted me for "staff disrespect", so A+ in that regard Negatives: Honestly I've never really noticed anything negative with Dynasty as we're usually never on at the same time @Hackedbutnp Positives: None, I can't really say anything positive about this person. Negatives: They lack maturity & believe that "if you don't like it, quit" is a good argument for people critiquing the game, furthermore numerous times when proven wrong they adamantly stood their ground, rather than admit they're wrong just acted extremely immaturely & set a poor example of the staff team & how to act as a player. Server: Changes I liked: Invention perks being fixed & adjusted based on actual feedback is a nice thing to know Allowing "public" access to beta, beta no longer being a random thing that's offered at some point & allowing people to come & go has been a massive plus NPC's having RS3 combat system (although it can be fine tuned, but it's a really good start) ECB having a spec Changes I disliked: Fucking ninja updates without it being conveyed or logged anywhere, I'm sorry but this is the biggest gripe I have with the update logs at the moment, everything is logged at the end of the month / major release rather than, logging it when it's implemented (see Precise / Aftershock being fixed, it was over 2 weeks of it being live before it was logged in the latest patch) I will mention that removing the ECB was weird given ED3 isn't out, however the fact ED3 was pushed back because of the event & DDOS stuff is acceptable, so take this one with a grain of salt Changes I'd like to see: More transparency with updates, maybe a weekly ninja log / weekly run-down of what's being changed next week
  21. comfy vibes only on a cozy friday evening
  22. The problem is, in its current format, we do way, way too much damage & too many sources of having additional chances to hit that max cape without much effort, the current "1,500" hitcap vs bosses is so pitifully easy to hit, even without really trying you can obtain a max far above that, and a min only a couple hundred away which just translates to every pvm scenario just being SS & AFK, you kill stuff before they kill you and you heal up any minor damage you take which leads to, very boring & stale pvm at the moment. Further on that, I believe the existence of the ECB & the current Caroming perk, if Caroming is ported to crossbows, 12% to fire an additional bolt, on both bolts, is stupid powerful given how much damage a bolt proc can do, which will just be another source of hitcap, which leads to even quicker kills & less dangerous pvm because you quite literally, cannot die. Sure, we may get a combat rework, but when? 6 months from now? when we get solak? or aod? where we'd actually need prayers & not just ooga booga soulsplit. But what about until then? just play the current stale pvm meta of SS & afk?
  23. Your experience has been recent or untested, I have tested precise multiple times in the past & it had always been a +11 min hit increase, after testing today, my min hit is far, far above a +11 with a precise 6. It is possible, the seers diary allows this exact thing to happen, all he'd had to do is take that exact same logic & put it on a perk rather than a perma unlock from diaries I don't care for UI all too much, so long as it works, so I won't really make a suggestion/thread on it, so long as I can put my components in, eh, I don't ask for anything past that, I can use my topic as a median to store someone elses suggestion, but I won't make it myself
  24. This topic just serves as a pre-ample for a suggestion I will be making later down the line, just for now, I'd like to get peoples thoughts & opinions on it before making it an actual suggestion Everything in it is just my thoughts without much structure, so forgive the lack of effort on some stuff (like flanking), I just wanted the logic on paper before doing some research Weapon Perks: Precise: It's fucked, scaling bad Apparently this is potentially false, but I need to re-farm a Precise 6 to check it Equilibrium: See above Flanking: Add this into the game, some dumb shit like 3% more damage per rank if you're behind the target Aftershock: Update the tooltip, it's wrong Planted Feet: Reduce the wind-up time, 10 seconds is only really useful for afking as opposed to mindful PvM, making E2 more wanted over PF, despite PF being better numerically, but its use case just isn't there, maybe add the ability to retain the buff after swapping off the weapon so you can have a PF swap (kinda sweaty, but yolo) Caroming: This is like, the biggest problem the game has at the moment with regards of perks, Caroming is just, busted, suggestions: Caroming for Bows: Reduce the chance from 3% to 1.5%. 12% at rank 4 is disgusting, given how much damage we do at the moment, 12% to fire a 100% arrow, then 12% to fire a 69% damage arrow is really, really powerful Caroming for Crossbows: Firing a second bolt doesn't really help crossbows as the main selling point is the proc's themselves, so my suggestion would be this: x% per Rank (unsure about numbers) as an additional chance to proc the bolt itself, so Caroming 4 would have +y% to Proc any bolts fired from the crossbow, (this can stack with seers diary later on) Armour Perks: (Enhanced) Devoted: SS Big, would hurt new players, tread lightly Invigorating: Please fix Energising: I believe this is broken, double check please
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