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Everything posted by Hydronix

  1. Perhaps granting the players with an XP boost (to be determined on how much) on top of receiving the vote books, however the vote books will no longer grant the user the 50% experience boost. This would make players much like myself more likely to vote for the boost we want rather than just chucking some of our bank in the GE to buy 50% xp. Considering we can gain GP from donating/selling bonds would eliminate the "pay to win" aspect of our current system.
  2. Thanks for the speedy fixes!
  3. Congratulations to our top players!! Let us hope that maybe we could see it return! Defender of the mind and pet is so AWESOME!
  4. Waking up still drunk is both awesome and shitty.
  5. maybe once a player is skulled there's an increased rate of how fast they can gather recourses from the tree further incentivizing high risk high reward gameplay.
  6. This won't apply for me but players who achieved top 3 should unlock the full Defender of the Mind. outfit, only unlocking part of the outfit would leave the player feeling naked and probably not wanting to use the cometic from the start. If the event was to return maybe gift a little extra bonds to the winners if the outfit is already unlocked. Much love :3
  7. As we know the bloodwood tree at Soul Wars is protected by sandstorm, I suggest that we unlock it by putting a limit on how much a player is able to gather from it daily. We could even have it to where sapphire or emerald ranks unlock the tree and as you progress your rank you can collect more daily. Keep in mind we need to abide by rule#18 and not alt farm it, limit to 3 accounts. Sticking a bloodwood tree in Donor zone would be ideal since you need to be a donor to access it from the start, players gathering for the tree would interact more and frankly I don't visit regular Donor zone enough anymore anyways either other than for urns.
  8. Feels good seeing some of the bugs I reported getting fixed, Time for me to pop my Anachronia cherry and cash in some zeals!
  9. Been looking forward to the return of this for a while now. Good luck to all the precipitants, I won't be going easy on you!
  10. Perhaps reworking the battle pass to give you a token to redeem any cosmetic in the cosmetic shop. Maybe keep it somewhat how we have it now but towards the Last step you get 1+1 tokens to spend on any cosmetic you would like. so, like you can still unlock free costumes planned for each month, but you get one or two tokens to get what you really want >:). I feel like this would further incentivize players to push towards the end rewards each tier or upgrading. 1 free token at the end of each battle pass reward would be ideal. (one free one paid)
  11. as soon as i started playing I always wanted to be able to just teleport to the tasks via the slayer master dialog. (unrelated) - slayers masks from SOF that force a slayer task once per day would be nice >:) looking at you airuts slayer mask.
  12. Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.
  13. What about redeeming 7 bonds would activate battle pass? a savings of 50 coins if bonds were used.
  14. What if battle pass unlocked auras. if aura is already unlocked get some loyalty points instead.
  15. sprinkling some harmonic dust in there somewhere won't hurt either
  16. Happy NewYears ❤️ Let's hope for the most happiness we can achieve.

  17. I don't see a problem with our bond system as it stands but maybe more options would add demand to them so I'm assembling a list of suggestions that you guys could add to if you have ideas. A 50% XP boost that also adds contribution to your account will be nice. Having it stack with vote books might be a bit overpowered but I'm here for it lol. (following the vote book formula should be 1/6 a bond so timer lasts 90 mins, maybe lowering it to an even 1-hour boost with the contribution would be the move)
  18. I got lots of bonus xp I wouldn't mind burning! would help a ton.
  19. They can't just give us Beast Gohan and Black frieza just to quit. they're hyping up chapter 100 of the dragonball super manga to be special, possibly a perfect cell max.
  20. Mainly of Mr kitty got some of sissy too https://ibb.co/5KwmkZD https://ibb.co/swy2zhq https://ibb.co/KWbmGP8 https://ibb.co/55CbtTZ https://ibb.co/J5zRbR7 https://ibb.co/P6QrDWx https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/62oc53mvdoq4ymzjdhwcn/video-1567069973.mp4?rlkey=8ul5rrtdaw0rgotg2blu2ja2w&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/23grctzwit0lmccdech4x/video-1540452419-1.mp4?rlkey=x0bff6q2304x5bz562yfsicvp&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m31rj5d5kjaocxxlw5prv/video-1540244331-1.mp4?rlkey=qh5psduiep88jrhbv39zwvtf9&dl=0 I have played a bit of Fzero but not as a kid but fzero 99 is fun! I think my favorite 64 game has to be a tie between Perfect dark ,Majora's mask and Conkers bad fur day. some of my honorable mentions is star wars racer/ rouge squadron, golden eye, Starcraft 64! Got hooked onto at a young age with my uncle/granny and I always thought the oldschool DB tournament arcs was fun Trunk's intro into the series as a mysterious super sayian and making quick work of Frieza was just so bad ass making him my favorite character until I watched the OG Broly movie in which he became my favorite for the longest time. Now I would have to say I like Vegeta the most now. I'm very competitive so me and my friends/cousin would play the ps2 Dragonball budiokai/tenkaichi games religiously even still to this day on my mobile emulation device. So I cant really put one above the other. Modern dragonball gamming has been terrible though since the ps2 days but the old ones I love still hold up. ( i never liked fighter z its good just dont like it ) I see myself returning to the old games more than me returning to the show. My dislike with dragonball is when it was reintroduced with super they make goku a much less serious character, also the timeslot in japan where it aired was for children so the series had to do away with alot of the brutality. It's also looking like the new series "dragon ball daiama" may be focused for children too since the whole cast got turned into children again however i understand the marketing choice behind it. They need new fans all the current fans are getting older. i mean even super is kinda aged by now.
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