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Everything posted by Seisen

  1. +1 for everything im over 500 tries for b4m not like its expensive but depressing as said, not very poggers
  2. IS9: Inquisitors Staff IS8 : Tavias fishing rod IP8: 4K arch glacor IP9: HM Zuk IM4: Clue Chaser D2: Beta tester Spoiler Awarded all! -Tyrone Congratulations!~
  3. +1 for everything except for Incite Fear. With FSOA coming out soon in my opinion Incite Fear should increase ur critical hit rate instead of spec cost reduction, something like this: - Each stack of Glacial Embrace increases ur critical hit chance on Magic-based attacks attacks by 3%. - Stacking up to 10 times. (FSOA spec is based on critical hits to make it strong, Grimoire, Biting 4, Reavers ring and the 30% from all incite fear stacks should get ur critical hit rate up to around 55% or so which is probably high so u can just lower the amount of maximum stacks, this would make FSOA an actual good weapon to maybe overcome ranged and change the ranged only meta right now, because if FSOA gets released with the game as it is right now, it will be pretty much useless compared to how it is on rs3, just like how ezk and lengs are right now.)
  4. Seisen

    Solak Guide

    insane guide by the young prodigy wendt, very nice feels good to have contributed into that
  5. IGN: Seisen IS2: Earth and Song IP1: Telos The Warden IM3: Clue Scroll Collector IM8: Max the Classic IM13: Musician D3: Verified Discord Account //Added, and congratulations - Tyrone~
  6. great video as always! hope i win in this giveaway :sadge:
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