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Zero Two

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Everything posted by Zero Two

  1. These might be my last days on Velheim. As I farm sadge reacts this is simply to inform you that my hcim died while blackscreening. As some would know I've spent nearly 500 hours on the account for a little under a month. My motivation is as dead as that account. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NubonmyPC


      there's a lost hc status section. might be worth checking out. 

    3. Zero Two

      Zero Two

      Holy shit Nub you are clutch. I saw that post and thought it was only for like lost items and such. Here's to the coin flip you brought me. <3

    4. NubonmyPC
  2. I personally feel that irons fine atm, but what I'm thinking is having shops restock every x hrs instead of daily reset might be a huge qol change for the server.
  3. I kind of like this if a conversion loss like proteans occur, like 1\3 gets deleted.
  4. Fooly Cooly [kind of a funny Sci-Fi] Houseki no Kuni [YA Fantasy about anthropomorphized gems really good 3d CGI art legit the only studio to do it right] Gangsta [Crime\Scifi] Edens Zero [sci fi] Shaman King [A remaster childhood classic done very well for a light watch for scifi\fantasy]
  5. Hello friends, I am C N, YoitsCN. I am a returning player from 3 years ago, formerly known as Pride, Hohenheim, and Lebron James. (possibly some other accounts as well it's been a while) Currently in the process of recovering those accounts. I was a Moderator with Ahoy and Chase (not sure if many of you can remember those names). I am a trivia god, as well as a very friendly welcomer to the Velheim community. I hope to be as outstanding of a Velheim citizen as I once was, and I look forward to making your acquaintance within the game, forums and discord. See you there.
  6. ign: YoitsCN IM13 - Music D3 - Verified Disc ----------- IM13 - Music D3 - Verified Disc
  7. With ninja updates like these you're on your way to being the next hokage.
  8. Really big fan of the ONLY 3dCGI anime that did it right. Houseki no Kuni (land of the lustrous) Fooly Cooly (an absolute classic, the soundtrack alone is god tier.)
  9. I really dig the anime, but it's wayyy too censored for me to fully enjoy. I absolutely loved it when it would go monochrome or even negative filter with the blood spurting scenes though, really good artistic value.
  10. Omg I just wanna put him in my pocket!
  11. Overwatch 2 is heading in a very different direction that original. I think they're trying to make it more death match-y and cut out the high necessity for teamplay and focus more on individual mechanical skill. Which is why their market is failing since it's going completely against what Overwatch is about. 4 straight years of consumer interest losses can't even open up the company's eyeballs wide enough to see that they are failing it's very sad.
  12. You do not have to talk about Overwatch if you don't have to. You can however talk down on it here as well. It's a shit game that shows in market research that Activision Blizzard is legit letting their intellectual property die out. The reason is poor game balancing and market planning.
  13. Time to zombie walk with sharp objects in my hand.
  14. I believe his name will be James. As it's the most American name and he's pretty much America in a nutshell, and kudos for you playing DPS role one of the least impactful roles in the game!
  15. I'd like this thread to be about a game I love dearly, Overwatch. I'm open to discuss ANYTHING Overwatch relate, from past and present METAs, game theory, strategy, hero design, hero flaws, etc. I am also willing to coach any newer or lower ranked players to try and help them if they need it, be it a Vod review, helpful hints tips and tricks for heroes, maps, team composition, you name it I can help you out. I peak 4k on tank as a Playstation player, I also stream frequently on weekdays on youtube @Yoitscn so come give me a like or comment when I'm live and subscribe if you like the content.
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