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Locked Guide - Drop Rate Bonus


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There are 7 key factors which influence base drop rate % bonus.

  • Game mode - See Velheim Beginner Guide
    • Regular - 0%
    • Novice - 2% (Beginner guide is outdated on this)
    • Classic - 10%
    • Ironman - 5%
    • Hardcore Ironman - 7.5%
    • Group Ironman - 5%
    • Ultimate Ironman - 10% (Beginner guide is outdated on this)
  • Prestige - See Velheim Prestige Guide 
    • Total max prestige bonus of 10% (500 prestige levels)
  • Well of Goodwill
    • 1% drop rate bonus increase
  • Luck rings, Lucky Seven game perk, Luck potion, Enhanced Luck potion
    • If you have at least one of these four options, they give their maximum benefit. If you have more than one, you get the maximum benefit of the lowest one and the minimum benefit of all the rest (Enhanced Luck potion defaults to 1.5% if in the presence of lucky seven or luck potion)
      • Luck ring (Tier 1 = 0.5% max, 0% min, Tier 2 = 1% max, 0% min, Tier 3 = 1.5% max, 0.5% min, Tier 4 = 2% max, 1% min) - See RS3 Luck
        • Luck rings can be replaced with Archaeology Monolith Relic powers as they act in an identical manner.
      • Lucky Seven (2% maximum, 1% minimum)
      • Luck potion (2% maximum, 1% minimum)
      • Enhanced Luck potion (3% maximum, 1.5% minimum)

Maximum drop rate bonuses as of December 2023

Classic/UIM - 26.5% (At 500 prestige)

HCIM - 24.0% (At 500 prestige)

IM/GIM - 21.5% (At 500 prestige)

Novice - 18.5% (At 500 prestige)

Regular - 16.5% (At 500 prestige)



  • Example - Classic game mode (10%), 0 Prestige (0%), Well of Goodwill (1%), Tier 4 luck ring (2%), Lucky Seven game perk (1%), Luck potion (1%), Enhanced Luck potion (1.5%) = 16.5%
  • Example - Regular game mode (0%), 500 Prestige (10%), Well of Goodwill (1%), Luck potion (2%), Lucky Seven game perk (1%), Tier 4 luck ring (1%), Enhanced Luck potion (1.5%) = 16.5%
  • Example - Regular game mode (0%), 300 Prestige (6%), Well of Goodwill (1%), Tier 4 luck ring (2%), Lucky Seven game perk (1%), Luck potion (1%), Enhanced Luck potion (1.5%) = 12.5%
  • Example - Ironman game mode (5%), 0 Prestige (0%), Well of Goodwill (1%), Luck potion (2%), Enhanced Luck potion (1.5%), Tier 2 luck ring (0%) = 9.5%
  • Example - Novice game mode (2%), 60 Prestige (1.2%), Well of Goodwill (1%), Luck potion (2%), Enhanced Luck potion (1.5%), Lucky Seven game perk (1%), Tier 3 luck ring (0.5%) = 9.2%
  • Example - Regular game mode (0%), 10 Prestige (0.2%), Enhanced Luck potion (3%) = 3.2%
  • Example - Novice game mode (2%), 450 Prestige (9%), Well of Goodwill (1%), Tier 4 luck ring (2%), Lucky Seven game perk (1%), Luck potion (1%), Enhanced Luck potion (1.5%) = 17.5%
  • Example - Classic game mode (10%), 500 Prestige (10%), Well of Goodwill (1%), Tier 4 luck ring (2%), Lucky Seven game perk (1%), Luck potion (1%), Enhanced Luck potion (1.5%) = 26.5%


P.S. Additional "invisible" drop rate bonuses do exist for certain drops while on Slayer tasks or otherwise noted in RS3 Wiki.

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9 hours ago, Longshot said:

No, the total maximum is 16.5% from what I've seen with other players. Clarified this above with another example.

I am talking about Classic, no one has the maximum prestige there yet.


On 12/14/2023 at 5:40 AM, Longshot said:

Example - Classic game mode (10%), 500 Prestige (10%), Well of Goodwill (1%), Tier 4 luck ring (2%), Lucky Seven game perk (1%), Luck potion (1%), Enhanced Luck potion (1.5%) = 16.5% (This individual has prestiged over the necessary limit)

^ 10 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1.5 = 26.5, tell me other wise.

18.png12.png Cap'n Ahoy (1) #6
22.png10.png Ultimate Ironman Stephanoski (3) #7
17.png8.png Silver the Hardcore Ironman (1) #6
Ah0y (0) #4 kots '24
21.png Captn Ahoy (0) #382

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