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Everything posted by Kim

  1. It's alright, sorry nothing special in my eyes, I do however thank you for using your time setting this up. But I rather use the wiki myself or go to Sprout's guide, where most of the mysteries are also in their Archaeology guide.
  2. As you said, it is very basic. But very helpful for starting, and low and mid levels. Also helpful for getting your average and more used components, good guide!
  3. Kim


    That's freaking awesome, big gamers! I wish I kept playing over 2 years ago, but I remember it was cool to come back seeing constantly 200+ players ingame.
  4. Oh damn, better teleport out quick! TSUNAMI DODODUDUUD DUUDODDOOD
  5. Thanks for the update!
  6. Nice competition, I haven't been able to get the fashion scape outfit, I want to use. So probably wont make it into this one, but very nice of you to give away some money. Good luck to everyone participating, I will for sure be checking out for the outfits.
  7. Haven't done alot of Araxxor/Araxxi, but must be the mirrorback, since I am bad with paying attention to everything, and forget about some things quick.
  8. Kim

    new song release

    Unfortunately? I think it sounds quite alright, man! I don't know anything about mixing, etc thought. nice, nice hehe.
  9. Kim

    new song release

    Sounds nice, assuming you mixed it?
  10. Really good and detailed guide, this has helped me alot getting my Runecrafting level up. Good putting in the runespan and the "normal" way of training the runecrafting skill.
  11. Awesome guide, this will be good for me when I am attempting (again) to get Kill capes. I know you get 5x uncut onyxes, but rather get capes first, focus for log and pet, and then go for onyxes after. Thanks for the guide, good work to you and the others!
  12. I have only been making a few crystal flasks, farm runs, and daily rune runs. I got lazy, but haven't been in any need of alot of crystal flaks yet. But definitely worth getting for later, also usually I do the barrows brothers for some runes like blood, chaos, etc. Great guide for ironmans, will be using this time to time, and hopefully stop bring too lazy. Since it is really worth it in the end. Thanks alot!
  13. Alright and quick guide, great pictures! A little minus for not thinking about ironmans (items can be bought on ge), but a quick and efficiengy guide nonetheless.
  14. Very well made guide, clean and easy to follow. Well done Alcadiez and Sprout!
  15. Yeah I would definitely give that Velheim RSPS thing a try, heard it's pretty good. @into bdsm
  16. Wow, that's awesome! Congrats on your personal record, and possibly fastest time for 4000% enrage Telos on Velheim. Big gamer!
  17. Kim


    Hello there, Lights91! Welcome back, looking forward to see you ingame and on the forums.
  18. Hehe, I was just pulling a bit for fun, but yeah gonna be pretty awesome!
  19. You mean twentyone days, not ten right? (3rd to 24th may), also very awesome, big!
  20. Hey, Sondre my friend. Glad to see you finally made an introduction again, welcome to the forums (again) aswell. Hopefully see you stay active in here and the game, let's get all them gains, my dude!
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