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Gimbutnp last won the day on February 26 2020

Gimbutnp had the most liked content!


About Gimbutnp

Group Ironman
  • Birthday 11/18/1997

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Gimbutnp's Achievements

Rank of Bronzie

Rank of Bronzie (1/22)

  • Reacting Well Rare
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  1. IGN: Gimbutnp IS2: Earth and song. IM13: Musician D1: Nitro D3: Verified --------------- IS2: Earth and song. IM13: Musician D1: Nitro D3: Verified /Nhs
  2. Welcome Nino, hope you enjoy your stay here mate! In your opinion, how many cats are too many cats? I'd say about 4-5 but this depends on how clean you are too
  3. Welcome to Velheim Matt hope to see you around, if you ever want to talk nba hmu i'm always down to talk nba
  4. Welcome Josh, hope to see you around in-game a bit brother! Have fun learning a the new stuff involved with Velheim!
  5. Welcome to Velheim, enjoy your stay! Can't wait to see you in game hope you have some good luck with drops. Best of luck on the server and welcome again!
  6. Nice @Nhsi haven't touched dom tower yet myself was thinking of doing it myself soon. BIG GZ!
  7. Welcome Magic Man! If you want to link your forums account type ;;forums in-game and make sure your in-game and forums account don't have the same password. Can also link it to discord via ;;discord. Hope to see you in game a fair bit and I really hope you enjoy your stay. I'm always open for a chat and or to help anyone in need so feel free to hit me up about anything and everything
  8. Gimbutnp


    Welcome AJ! Glad you chose Velheim, hope to see you around in-game, Goodluck and have fun.
  9. Nice carp! Good to see the time, have you beaten it since?
  10. Gz big fella, first big step now for the rest of the grind hey
  11. If not more tbh as it would be so convenient right next to the essence!
  12. Love the zone Guys! Can't wait to get these 50k souls done!
  13. Hey guys, Zac here. About me: 23 Year old, Aussie bloke! Generic guy, single father of 2 beautiful boys. Love getting my hands dirty and tinkering with cars. Always have had a passion for gaming and I don't see that changing any time soon. What I do: I work at an outdoor centre and fix/assemble power equipment ie; lawn mowers, chainsaws, leaf blowers, edgers, atv's, motorbikes. Do plenty of driving for work too doing deliveries etc. My goals: Eventually I want to become a fully qualified light vehicle mechanic, working on cars is a big passion of mine and would put it as my main goal in life to do it for a living. I want to see my kids grow up and be respectful young men. Velheim: As for Velheim, I aspire to become known and respected amongst the community. I would like to learn everything I could possibly learn in which I have a lot to learn still! If you see me ingame, don't be afraid to say Hi! Thanks, Zac.
  14. Thankyou Sand beautiful stuff as always!
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