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Locked Staff & Server Feedback - July 2021


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Hello Velheimers!


It's that time of the month again! Post your thoughts about the current staff team and server updates in the reply section down below. There'll also be a format you can copy paste!


     As a small incentive - the 3 members with most constructive/detailed replies will win 5 x Bonds in-game. We will not be choosing replies with only positive feedback as we'd like to see where and how we need to improve!


  This month's feedback thread will end on the 1st date of next month. Chosen winners will get announced here, and rewarded privately by me. This thread closes automatically by the system!



Format (simply copy and paste this format into the reply box below):


Staff Members













@Iron Tyrone



@NubonmyPC (Nubonmyright)





Changes I liked:

Changes I disliked:

Changes I'd like to see:


Note: You do not have to comment on a staff member if you don't want to or have not seen or interacted with them on Velheim yet. Same goes for the server - if there's nothing you'd like to input on the said point then simply skip it.

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Staff Feedback


I am still somewhat new here but I have noticed
Sandstorm operates in a unique, organized and fun way.
He is very involved with his community and shows to be
very passionate about his work and the way things are
handled and delivered. In just the last few months it 
has become very clear Sandstorm is no average private
server owner, but actually someone who honestly cares
and still remembers to have fun while doing it which
makes the experience on this server just that much

I have noticed Sandstorm does cut into personal time
to deal with relatively smaller situations that could
wait until the next day I suppose this could be considered
a positive as it would reflect under him being passionate
as stated above about his work but small issues that us the
player base should be capable of dealing with should able to
do just that. If you burn yourself out it makes doing what you
love more tedious and stressful. In short: Small issues we will
survive a day or two I promise.


Arcadiez has been here for quite some time and knows his way
around the server very efficiently. Every time I have been on
with him he has always been helpful in the friends chat, yell,
Forums and the Discord or even just public chat. He seems to 
get along with the community very well and enjoy himself 
at the same time.

I am usually on during late hours and have not seen Arcadiez
enough to list any negatives.


Dynasty is able to maintain strong and relatable bonds
with the community I believe it is because he actually plays
the game also. He will set goals for himself which allows for
him to relate with the community and their experiences. Not many
server Admins you find on other servers do this, but it does help
build long term memory for said staff member and builds a clear 
understanding between the players and the decision makers.

Even when playing the game himself, I found he is always willing
to drop whatever he is doing at the time to assist where needed
and enjoys himself at the same time. Dynasty is very active not
only in-game but forums and even Discord.

Cosplays the Michelin Man with a Third Age outfit our 
Neanderthal ancestors use to wear waaaaay back. 
*Jokes aside I have yet to find any negatives about Dynasty 
so far.


I think you were just a Mod when I joined and I noticed that
you have not changed at all even after getting Admin. You still
hold the same qualities that make you a great staff member. Much
like Dynasty you play the game and have the same experiences that
the players have which builds a close bond between you and the
community. You have always been happy to stop anything you are
doing to help anyone with anything, you are active in the Friends
Chat, Discord and the Forums and always ready to answer players
questions and provide them the proper help.

Don't have any at this time.


YggBasil the Lonesome Mod is a very knowledgeable staff member, 
he has been through the same grinding process as the other 
players and can quickly answer questions players have regarding 
anything in-game, forums and discord related. Yggdrasil always 
seems to have a very relaxed and positive attitude when he logs 

If the server starts lagging you know Ygg is to blame
user repeatedly trains agility running clockwise at home
stirring up the Sandstorm that seems to always be at home.
Our CPU's can not handle the particles :c

@Iron Tyrone

Being an Ironman, Tyrone is able to help with an extra layer of
questions almost instantly due to having this knowledge from

playing the game mode himself. Tyrone is active and extremely happy to
help where he can on any platform.

1k+ Jungles with no Hexcrest? Just get the drop silly.
Overall I have yet to have any concerns or anything negative
at this time.


Nub has proven to be helpful and have a high level of understanding
of the server and the content it provides. He has that Can do
attitude every time he logs in. Nub is active on all platforms
and answers questions with confidence, he is not afraid of getting
something wrong it seems at times which only helps him grow
as a member of the staff team. I honestly believe Nub will go far.

At this time I do not have anything negative to say about NubonmyPC.

*Changes I liked


*Changes I disliked


*Changes I'd like to see:

Some kind of warning when buying bank boosters stating you can only have

806 total bank slots to help prevent in the over-purchasing of bank boosters.

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Positives: One owner to rule them all, cannot fault anything from our beginning of Velheim journey. From day dot, you have put every ounce of your time into the server and it shows. I remember the constant mini chats about server popularity, now look. All it took was time, maybe some luck, but how well it has flurried and grown over the years. Truly shows how versatile and dedication you are to the server.
Negatives: Not just trying to brown nose here, but I genuinely cannot think of a fault. Yes people will complain about content, heck I was asking for Arch skill on day one ;) You will never appease everyone, but what you are doing is superb. Be you, and the server will forever be strong. 


Positives: The mini ideas that become great projects are profound. Again, over the years you have been a great service and brilliant team member to the server. From seeing you be a 'normal' player, mod, admin and so forth you really have grown and should be proud of the help you give.
Negatives: Wish we spoke more over the course of our time on the server, but that's more me, keeping to myself a lot <3 


Positives: Where to begin. Remember the first chat we had that sparked a growth in server friendship. From the days when I was an actual HCIM, trying not to die. To seeing you create your first skiller. Again like Arcadiez. Watching you grow from being an active member, to a mod and so forth. You have been a pleasure, a treasure to the server.
Negatives:  Not a single personal fault. Even when you had to sack me out once, again, I was in the wrong. Shows that how powerful of a servership we have :P




Changes I liked: The speed for any update. I was blown away with the addition of Invention, then you go and double that over with how quickly and well coded Arch was! Impress is not even the right word of how great you are.

Changes I disliked:  - none -

Changes I'd like to see: As much of a slog the update(s) would be - to update some of the new additions from Construction. Such as the combo'd Fishing update: Aquarium. 

Farming: POF (Player Owned Farms)

Adding Scarabs to Menaphos so skillers could train Slayer without it feeling like lampscape for that particular skill

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★·.·´¯`·.·★ get your sᴡᴇᴀᴛ on ★·.·´¯`·.·★

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Staff Members



Positives: pog
Negatives: n/a


Positives: kekw
Negatives: n/a


Positives: pog
Negatives: n/a


Positives: kekw
Negatives: n/a


Positives: kekw
Negatives: n/a


@Iron Tyrone

Positives: kekw
Negatives: n/a


@NubonmyPC (Nubonmyright)

Positives: kekw
Negatives: n/a




Changes I liked: the fact people cant farm bonds with loyalty

Changes I disliked: n/a

Changes I'd like to see: This is the part I've been waiting for to give my recommendation. Please for the love of god change the GE autosell prices for some items.
People nowadays don't buy any gwd1/2 or barrows or anything because the market is inflated with those items. If we adjust the GE prices and make the autosell function for those items to be 80% of their actual value. This way we get rid of those items that are present in bulk atm and liquify them into cash.

I literally have items sitting in my GE for 3 weeks to prove this point.

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Hello everyone,


I wish I could give more feedback as whole for the staff but as new as I am (and I presume the time of day I play? not sure...) I wanted to shed some feedback on " Nubonmyright " .

Below is a list of things that I have acknowledged since my newly found stay at the server :


- This individual immediately welcomed me to the server, has been more than helpful with answering questions, and seems to resonate with many community members. 

- This individual has been very community interactive and always has an optimistic attitude.

-This individual, at various times of the day, did not change demeanor in any way regardless of who the conversation was with nor what it was about. (always keeping the authoritative... but "you can approach me" attitude) 

- This individual has welcomed at least 5 - 10 other new players that I was online to witness (setting a very good and potentially hooking experience for RSPS players that can choose from many RSPS options but chose to come here thus potentially linking more overall players in the long run!)

- This individual has refenced direct ;;topic s' to at least 5 - 10 questions asked in the chat to further assist those acclimating to the server. ( This is just what I was online and attentive to notice, at that)


I hope this sheds some clarity on my new but overanalytical perspective to the individual on the server! Thanks :D


- Xanathar  

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Positives: Your transparency has been a great addition, honestly, it's super refreshing and I respect you for holding your hands up and saying you think you have a problem with getting/maintaining the player base. 90% of the updates have been stellar, the Quality of Life ones are so, so welcome, like the Div updates, :chef_kiss: Delicious.
Negatives: Haven't seen much of you in game though, but I'm assuming that's because you've been busy with IRL and behind the scenes, it's really only a very minor negative. I like seeing an owner in game if only for an hour every few days or so.


Positives: Been a lot more active in game that I've seen, which was one of my big negatives last month, so that's awesome! You've been more positive and helpful too in general, rather than mostly memeing and trolling people. It's good to have that balance.
Negatives: My one negative has been that a couple of times, I've seen you blatantly not uphold a server rule with regards to people being offensive in chat and really, that's not cool. I did call you out on it at the time, too.


Positives: Been pretty consistently helpful, can't really say too much more on that, also still good for a laugh and very tolerant of bants <3
Negatives: Could stand to see a bit more of you in game but that might just be scheduling not lining up, pretty minor thing really.


Positives: Very consistent, the member of the senior staff I've seen most of in my time playing this month. Really helpful as ever but still up for the bants and jokes in FC.
Negatives: Honestly can't think of anything right now so that's nice!


Positives: Definitely one of the most consistently present members of staff, helpful as always be it game questions or sage advice on keeping your bark moisturised.
Negatives: Again, can't really think of anything off the top of my head so all good!


@Iron Tyrone

Positives: Literally the same as last month, totally on the ball with answers for a wide range of questions in game, generally really helpful, even asks after players he's not seen on in a while, really nice fostering the community spirit <3
Negatives: Getting to be a theme, the one thing is maybe could see you online more but as always, it's not anything like a huge deal because life > game.


@NubonmyPC (Nubonmyright)

Positives: An absolute walking encyclopaedia of RS knowledge, usually the first to answer questions if he's on. Good to see staff run mass events too, again fostering that community spirit.
Negatives: Based on personal experience, you could be a little more transparent in giving warnings and bring a little less of your personal view into player disputes. Being impartial is the best stance for staff, even if the people involved are friends.



Changes I liked: As said earlier, since server changes = Sand, the Quality of Life changes have been mostly stellar, fixes and additions are so welcome, new cosmetics and rewards go a long way towards keeping things fresh. The Beach event has been delicious! Semi-AFK dung is love, the switching up of spotlighted stations, it's a really nice fit for an event that's not Overpowered, not too afk and interactive, a ton of cosmetic rewards on RNG as well as the exp, it's great for a skiller like me! 

Changes I disliked: No surprises here, I'm not a fan of the removal of Bonds from the Loyalty shop. I get why it was done, been into this on the update thread, but it's really not fair on those of us who don't abuse it, especially Irons because they're pretty much forced to farm the vcoins on an alt now to be able to progress as fast as the rest of the players who can trade. Basically it's now the reason I've shelved my Iron for the foreseeable future.

Changes I'd like to see: Return bonds to the Loyalty shop, but make it borderline impossible to AFK-scape. Make it so that loyalty points are only gained when actively playing, meaning skilling, running around and combat, aka make people actually be clicking or typing to get paid. The current reduction is a good idea, I would just make it even less profitable to be afk. Like 5 loyalty points for AFKing while 300 for the one account linked and active, it's a huge difference.
Add in a shop for Irons only that they can buy untradeable bonds that can't be used on other players. Give the guys a break, they're already busting their asses doing everything for themselves.
Anachronia having more things from RS3 added.

More Archeology relics for the perks, some are poggers.

Menaphos having more things from RS3 added (It's such a lovely skilling zone, even without the reputation system)

More title rewards, like the ones from the Beach event UwU

More bank space pls, I have a hoarding problem.


- K -
Hope this is all helpful at least in a little way, I'd have spent more time thinking about it but I've been too busy until today!

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