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Shadow Kiba

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Everything posted by Shadow Kiba

  1. Ign Shadow kiba IS10 Masterwork Spear of annihilation Is1 Guildmaster's tony mattock Is2 earth and song IM16 Hazelmere's signet ring IM8 maxed classic Im5 Godlike Awarded! -Tyrone
  2. Take care nhs, we will hold down the fort for your return please be well, we'll always be here! <3
  3. Nice to see you on the forums brother really glad your enjoying the grind, massive props for already finishing mw grind on iron when joining hit me up in game if you ever need someone to chat with <3
  4. ign: Shadow kiba, id use it to either upgrade donator status or more perks for my classic
  5. Nice update man keep up the work! <3
  6. Final fantasy, or pokemon games currently playing through ultra sun on my phone.
  7. ambassador is my favorite boss keep it going
  8. Rage of bahumut is amazing but sadly has like 12 episodes or so, hellsing ultimate all episodes are 45minutes long but sadly low episode count but worth
  9. would someone be able to help me get a signature or gfx? im not good at that kind of stuff and kinda want one to be apart of the cool kids
  10. 1. Digimon 2. Runescape 3.Csgo 4.Resident Evil 5. Final fantasy
  11. for Ilujankan comps wouldnt refined anima core be better? i believe you get the normal anima core item back from d/a?
  12. Keep it up brother, got any tips for a classic i recently made one myself, its entirely different from regular
  13. in game name-kiba why i deserve to win: i'd try to donate it somehow if i had won
  14. In-game name:Kiba Why do you deserve to win?: i would love to win as i dont have much money to help donate to this great server but im happy for who ever wins! <3
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