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Locked Suggestion for ironman / all players


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i have been playing ironman mode for a good 7 months now and i have found a few things that are either way too hard or really out of the way too get,

hardest things for an ironman too get due too daily shop limits or 'items that should be in a  shop' that arnt in the server or just simple easy things ironman shouldnt have an issue getting but are.

item list and how we get them vs food for thought of how we could get them (without making it easy so still grinding too get them)

pure ess - clues (lucky to get 1-3k per 30-40 med clues) , mining lucky too get 1k an hour afking your life away , zammy gdw its quite a rare drop too see pure ess out of 300-400 kills i have gotten 4k pure ess 

way too try sort this issue , i think runespan should sell pure ess in noted form for the minigame points you are rewarded with or thlar shop (other ways from people would be nice too have too)


summoning secondary's - the only item we can buy is 1k yak hides from jatizo each day but given that is 96 summoning 

ways too improve this , maybe a shop for iron man that has summoning secondary's that isnt a 'bulk' amount so it is still a grind too get but we have other pouchs too make and choose from , e.g level 1 - 99 summoning items i do know we can buy some items from around the game but in a '10' item sell limit every 24 hours that isnt a very good method too use 


items for skilling ect feathers or bait or useful items for item man too have too either start of or have a but limit thats good too have like saradomin wine or zammy wines as thoses two items are incredibly hard too get , example for saradomin wines i will maybe get 10-20 an hour from hardcore bossing , zammy wines are around 50-150 an hour hardcore bossing , we need an easier way or more of often drop rate for thoses items (sara wines being unnoted and zammy wines being noted from theses bosses that drop atmo) it isnt a great way too farm bosses for theses items or gather them from shops or anywhere else so as an iron man sara brews or ranging pots are not an option (we need overloads too :P ) 


any other items or suggestions from other ironman or regular players would be nice too have aswell either thinking this might be broken or useless i would like too hear your ideas or ways too change my ideas so its not going too be a game breaker


thanks pumpkin :D      

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I like the idea of runespan offering pure ess as a reward. Runes are a pain on an iron unless you like to grind barrows and even then you can’t get souls for blood barrage. This would give you a different way to collect essence that’s not bossing and slayer and it’s not like there isn’t already a minigame that gives you pure essence on RS3 (temple trekking). It would just be changing one shop for another.


I don’t really agree with the other things about pots and summoning. I think secondaries are good where they are at. Araxxor drops enough overloads, brews and restores to last a lifetime and summoning mats aren’t hard to come by.

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  • Administrator

Since I've maxed three Irons, personally I'd like to see some shop limits increased (Fishing Shops for feathers, maybe even some of the shops which stock Runes); and expanded supply drops, whether by increasing drop amounts or adding the drops to other monsters of equal or higher level, I also like the thought of Pure Essence being added to the RuneSpan shop.

An item you mentioned, such as the Wine of Saradomin; have very limited ways to obtain them.

When it comes to Summoning it's hard to gauge since we (mostly) have the same limitations as RS3 - 1k Yak Hides per day is pretty generous IMO and getting up to that level isn't really hard (Vinecrawlers for Water Talismans are an easy example) and most other secondaries used are easily obtainable (Granite, Willow Logs, Clean Guams, Tinderboxes, Harpoons, Pot of Flour, Gold Ring, Obsidian Charm - just to name a few).

  • +1 1

UIM Dung Storage 1 day pls



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One of the biggest reasons I quit my iron after max was I couldn't be asked to constantly make 50k blood runes when, like you said, ess is so hard to come by and deposit boxes cost 5000 oddments.


I had absolutely no clue I could have bought 1000 yak hides.... I thought summoning was easy.

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Could also increase the pure ess you get when mining according to donator rank eg. 2x with sapph, 3x with emerald and so on. Would actually make it worthwhile to mine it when you're in the late game and have reached higher donor rank, but still, probably only really an update for ironmen, as regular accounts can buy it cheap from GE. Otherwise the Runspan shop is an okay idea. 


Sara wines is a pain to get a decent amount of, but adding in grapevine farming would solve this, so here's to hoping it'll get added with the 120 farm final update.


And the summoning part i can't really see the problem in, most items for the familiars you actually use are gathered through playing and the 1k hides per day helps a decent amount on getting xp past 99. It would just be a niche to add a few items per day for familiars that aren't used anyways.


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  • 4 weeks later...

id love to see better methods of getting pure ess in game, i think maybe buff the amount dropped from demons etc, id have no issue grinding greater demons for 100k pure ess so i can make all the souls/blood runes ill need (you can go threw a lot very fast) , or even buff the amount mined each time it would be great if you could mine say 10k pure ess an hour.

Id 100000x love to see a ironman shop for daily stuff.


small buff to wines could be nice too, at the moment it is a slow grind for something that should be easier.

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