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Status Updates posted by Sandstorm

  1. 'summer2023' at Diango :lipbite:

  2. Code 'nihils' at Diango for free Oddments! :summoning:

  3. I got codes and you don't!


  4. Code 'dn' for Diango rewards!

  5. 'happyeaster2022' for some stuff'z :') 

    1. Sandstorm


      .. aaand it's gone. :D 

  6. What's this, hello? What does this do again..

    1. Iron Tyrone

      Iron Tyrone

      I think its a status update

    2. Arcadiez
  7. "loversandhaters" :)

  8. I like big butts and I cannot lie

  9. "The worst thing in the world isn't being alone, it's being surrounded by people who make you feel alone."

    1. Zero Two
    2. Sprout


      Couldn't fit it all in smh..



  10. Ewwie yuckies

    1. NubonmyPC


      Seikcuy eiwwe!


  11. "merrychristmas" at Diango for free stuff :)

  12. Diango code 'pofwhen' for free loots!

  13. Diango code 'soontm' for free loots!

  14. If you want to hurt a man, do not target him. Target what he loves. Take that which he holds dear to his heart and twist it, corrupt it, or destroy it altogether. Then and only then will you hurt him in a way that he will feel in his soul. But take heed. When you hurt a man in this way, you twist him, enrage him, drive him to heights of rage never before thought possible. You will have turned that man into a monster, and he will be coming for you.

  15. When life gives you lemons, squeeze them into your enemies eyes

  16. Easter Event ending on the 10th, go grab everything you wanted before it's gone!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Map

      The Map

      What if I don't want to?

    3. Angel


      already got what i want ez

    4. Winter Revel

      Winter Revel

      O thanks for the eggs up.

  17. Sandstorm, Shadow Reef when?


    1. Yggdrasil


      Sandstorm, Solak when?

      Your account has been permanently disabled. Please contact an administrator for more information.

  18. #1 on RuneLocus, way to go everyon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sandstorm


      It was a joke, but we are on #5 which is big pog

    3. Ahoy


      Prankstorm :(

      #5 still really nice!

    4. Gerjaffers


      very good i wish velheim good luck.

  19. What's on your mind?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kiwi


      Either way what is on your mind, Sandman

    3. Sandstorm
    4. Kiwi


      oh bby pls u mk mi blshh

  20. What's this?

    1. Oakley


      because you walked me through it dad

  21. The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

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