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Locked New Discord Icon


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As some of you have notice we have update the Discord Icon.

This Icon was made by the Amazing Wave.

I been wanting to update the logo for a while now, and have been talking to different artist. Sadly none of them lived up to the quality i was looking for. Then i've notice Wave's amazing skills. So we started a discussion to come up with the Design. I wanted it to be in a similar color scheme as we currently have and is kinda fitting to Archeology. However I wanted something different from the Norm, something that makes us stand out from the other RSPS. I always loved the claws grabbing the V design as MrZieskol have done. So we went through a couple of sketches/drafts until we found what we were looking for.

After that it was just making a fitting background(may change in future) and animated it. I wanna thank @Yggdrasil for helping with coming up with a background design. I hope you guys love it as much as we do! :)



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Vfq9KMH.png Top notch mod response















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Amazing design! Really fits the game, just hope the forum banner and stuff will be updated with the new style as well!

Something like this (below) and swap that current text style with the new style



Same for (below), would be nice to have that new letter and colour scheme style.


World 1 (FSW)
18.png8.png Ahoy #33
22.png9.png Silver the Ultimate Ironman #1 (3rd maxed)

World 2
18.png12.png Cap'n Ahoy (2) #6
22.png10.png Ultimate Ironman Stephanoski (3) #8
17.png8.png Silver the Hardcore Ironman (1) #7
21.png Captn Ahoy (0) #361
Ah0y (0) #4 kots2024

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