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Locked Boardhunter 2 - Player Feedback & Behind The Scenes


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Hello Boardhunters!

As Boardhunter II comes to a close, I would like to take this time to gather your feedback and constructive criticism.

Don't use this feedback thread as means to rant about certain players or staff members.

Please keep the feedback and criticism on the event itself.

Below are some questions that I would like to know for future events but feel free to skip questions you don't want to answer.

  • Did you participate in Boardhunter II? Why or why not?
  • Would you participate again in the future?
  • What did you like about the event?
  • What did you dislike about the event?
  • Was the event period too long or too short?
  • Were the rewards worth participating?
  • What event(s) would you like to see next?

We can't read minds (at least I can't..) so if you have more to say, reply to this thread and let me know!

Please don't attack anyone's feedback or your comment will simply be removed.


Curious about some of the behind the scenes? Check out the spoiler! I won't give too much away. ;)


Planning events is one thing but hosting and actually running them is a whole different story.

The time and dedication staff put into these events is nothing short of amazing. A lot of comments made during the event were extremely disheartening - making all the effort towards the event feel like it was all for naught. Huge thank you to @Iron Tyrone for pulling the event together, hosting, and moderating the event.

The thread for planning Boardhunter II was created on September 6th, 2021.

Some people may see it as a fairly short event but behind the scenes the planning and testing always continued in hopes that we could make this event happen.

As you voiced your opinions about Boardhunter I, the staff team took note of what was being said and we implemented them into the rule set of the second version.

So much research went into obscure items, pets, and cosmetics to be considered for rewards. I don't know how many hours Tyrone and I spent spawning NPCs, items, and sending each other random RS wiki pages on things that were released for brief periods of time, and things that were virtually unheard of.


Drafted Logos




Possible Rewards







Gem Token Set (Gem necklace token.pngNecklaceGem crown token.pngCrownGem cape token.pngCape)

2zxf5ry.pngDarksCape (as a cosmetic override)

https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/Relic_helm_of_Seren (not just seren, maybe can pick from the gods/godless?)


Retro Swords

Boardhunter II Champion title

And various alternative titles for those who have already achieved the first Boardhunter title.

There is so much more than this, but I wanted to leave out all the back and forth debates.. and some things that may be used for future events soonTM. ;)

This thread will be automatically locked 2 weeks from now.

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IMO, event idea was fine, event was fun do to, the tracking of points was fine but i think everyone would agree on a more concrete rule set that applies to the entire event from the start. Maybe lay the gimmick out at the beginning of the next one to have a few days to gauge a reaction would be my suggestion on the elephant in the room here. Other than that, the participation rewards for individuals, to me at least, were fairly motivating. But take my opinions with a grain of salt. I do think events like this are a nice shakeup to the day to day of the usual grind tho.

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  • Did you participate in Boardhunter II? Why or why not? Yes i did, PVM Comps are fun and bring people from clans together for the duration and I can honestly say that due to the event i've made some good friends from my clan.
  • Would you participate again in the future? Yes
  • What did you like about the event? pvm events are fun, being in teams brings everyone together to work on similar goals
  • What did you dislike about the event? I do wish the top 3 prizes were something other than bonds outside of #1.
  • Was the event period too long or too short? It was a bit too long, maybe a week at max?
  • Were the rewards worth participating? kind of? i'll be honest once #1 place got locked in by JB everyone seemed to stop playing.
  • What event(s) would you like to see next? more PVM stuff maybe. Maybe solo pvm or teams of 5/6 or clan v clan

    I will say this for certain, if a future event rules must be set in stone before the event starts rather than changed mid event. In regards to this I hold no ill feelings towards tyrone, i feel like the people that were giving him grief should maybe be reprimanded in someway, as giving someone grief who's just trying to set up a server event is kinda BS.

    ty for event ples more in future and more often ples thank u 
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I'm going to provide my POV on this event and purely that. As such, this is the perspective of me, Twenty, and not necessarily that of my teammates.


Did you participate in Boardhunter II? Why or why not?

Yes. In fact, Boardhunter 2 was my first ever official event on Velheim that I participated in. The idea was awesome and the execution, on paper, was great too.


Would you participate again in the future?

Absolutely. In fact, despite winning the event my fondest memory of the whole period was establishing Bandits as a clan and using this event as a way to strengthen my connections with clan members.


What did you like about the event?

I served as our team's record keeper and planner. To me, it was very fun managing the flow of drops and planning out the best route to fill out our board. Going to sleep and waking up to the madmen on my team having obtained 3-4 new drops was insane. And, as mentioned above, the chance to bond with friends on Velheim.


What did you dislike about the event?

I guess this is a doozy, but let's dig in. 

- I won't mention specific players or teams, but the behaviour of certain groups towards the top contending teams was quite toxic and not very fun to deal with at all.
- The Golden Praesul log being a requirement for this event. For reference, I believe we would have lost to team Brazil if it was just the regular purple Praesul log to complete AOD, but the sheer amount of burn-out both teams went through to powergrind AOD and nothing but was a bit off-putting. I had it easy, too. I was on the way back from a day-long concert when we won, but I think our team handily did well over a full-time week's worth of AOD over a few day span.
- The length, further elaborated on below.

Was the event period too long or too short?

For us? Too long. For the teams that were solid but not contending at no-lifer hours? Too short. This issue is the main reason why there was such a big amount of backlash to the decision to re-introduce the instant win clause. Teams that might have had great use for the few days of relative rest where both Jailbait and team BR would not have had that much to do felt cheated out of an opportunity to win, whereas we felt we would be cheated out of our effort put in if we had to wait for us to be able to get the points to allow us to finish first.

So how do you solve that? I don't have any one perfect solution, my feedback on this specifically for a future event similar to this one would be:

Let there be an alternative prize for those that finish the full board first while keeping the rules of the whole event intact. This could encourage teams with extra time/planning to really push their limits of efficiency while not making others feel like they -have- to contend for this prize to win. Not to say we didn't have a gameplan for the last 3 bonus point days, of course we did, but I do understand where the vitriol from other teams comes from.


Were the rewards worth participating?

Erm, I'd say so yeah. Ultimately the title is all we really cared about as the pet and cloak are kind of whatever and the bonds are just throwing stuff on the money pile. We would've liked for the title to be golden, but I understand why it isn't after chatting with Tyrone about it briefly.

Closing thoughts

Despite not everything going as may have been intended, I want to echo what has been said before and thank Tyrone for the fun event, as well as personally give my words of respect for team BR and how they played, especially as a 3 man group. That performance was absolutely nuts.

I don't hold any grudges and I hope others don't either, whatever event is next, I hope to participate again with the Bandits crew and to see others rise up to the occasion as well.

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To do what I've preached.


Founding member of Bandits

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Primeiramente, obrigado Tyrone, por ceder o espaço para que podermos expressar corretamente o que realmente pensamos e sentimos sobre esse evento, não falo apenas por mim, mas sem dúvida, por toda família Br que temos no jogo, obrigado por sempre ter sido atencioso e respeitoso ao máximo com todos os meus membros, creio que é uma ótima oportunidade de falar publicamente o quanto você é importante para nós. 


  • did you participate in Boardhunter II? Why or why not?

Sim, e participaria de novo, sem pensar duas vezes.. gosto muito de competição, particularmente acho isso excelente para o jogo.. movimenta o pessoal e ajuda o servidor se manter em movimento, realmente achei muito incrível poder participar.


  • Would you participate again in the future?

como disse, sem duvida, participaria mesmo se tivesse outro evento em 2 dias


  • What did you like about the event?

Então, como já tinha dito sobre, quando eu vi o evento e repassei para os membros do clan, ele estava no " quem terminar a log primeiro, ganha " e isso pra nós foi sensacional, deu uma pressão muito boa no evento de realmente querer participar, eu particularmente sou apaixonado por PvM, sempre foi meu foco no runescape desde novembro de 2001, então um evento focado em pvm me fez ter uma vontade muito grande de focar na minha alt, a moder. Porém sem dúvida a melhor parte de todas foi ver o nosso discord cheio novamente, as pessoas que jogavam nas antigas voltando a jogar, calls cheias até tarde da noite e as pessoas movimentando o chat do clan, isso foi >impagável<


  • What did you dislike about the event?

acho que as discussões desnecessárias, antes e durante o evento, comentários tóxicos e infelizes fizeram o evento ser um pouco desanimador, mas conseguimos reverter isso em motivação e foi o que nos levou a jogar tanto e chegar tão longe com apenas 3 membros.

acho que a única mudança que eu gostaria de fazer e que não tinha pensado nisso antes do evento e nem de dar um palpite.. seria a troca de jogadores do time, não sei o quão ruim seria para você organizar isso, mas ao menos 1 troca de pessoa ser liberada seria sensacional.. talvez tivéssemos uma chance melhor (:

uma das coisas que eu realmente não gostei e foi o que eu fui te falar, foi sobre a mudança de regras no meio do evento.. eu não tenho costume de ficar sempre no fórum ou no discord vendo as noticias, então quando eu vi o evento e vi as regras, preparei um documento e mandei no clan, e pra mim era aquilo e ponto, não tinha porque mudar, o que claro, pode acontecer é o vorago bugar e ter que tirar do evento, mas isso é uma coisa corretiva.. creio que o evento sendo postado, não vejo porque de trocar as regras


  • Was the event period too long or too short?

creio que os bonus se mantiveram por muito tempo, obviamente para manter a atenção até o final e ter aquele descanso no meio da semana, isso foi uma idéia ótima, eu creio que um evento de pvm desse, não possa ser feito em menos tempo, eventos que começam quinta / sexta feira e terminam na outra semana no domingo, pra mim, são os melhores, é um tempo ótimo de preparação e de aproveitamento.

mas se eu pudesse dar uma sugestão sobre isso, sei que é um evento MUITO dificil de ser preparado, mas termos mais eventos como esse, solo / duo / trio em um final de semana, com menos requisitos ou algo do tipo, seria muito legal e com certeza movimentaria mais o jogo.


  • Were the rewards worth participating?

sem duvida alguma participamos do evento por conta dos itens únicos, é isso que nos motivou a jogar mesmo, acho que ter um item único paga qualquer competição, claro que é muito bom ter as bonds e que não faz sentido vocês darem 100 bonds pra cada em um evento desse pois mudaria muito a economia do jogo


  • What event(s) would you like to see next?

eu sou suspeito de falar sobre isso... sendo que eu sou muito a favor de eventos pvm desse tipo, o kots foi um evento que eu gostei muito de participar, porém ele é um evento que me desgastou MUITO, foram 2 semanas dormindo um dia sim e o outro não, e quando dormia eram 3 ou 4 horas, óbvio que isso é pessoal de cada um, mas com certeza eu gostaria de mais eventos como esse, talvez com uma duração menor e podendo fazer com um time menor também, creio eu que trio é perfeito, praticamente podendo fazer qualquer boss do jogo.


Eu realmente sinto muito por você ter se estressado tanto com esse evento, espero mesmo que as pessoas tenham aprendido algo com isso e entendam que uma pessoa só para organizar um evento desse tipo é uma carga EXTREMAMENTE pesada, você foi extremamente competente no evento todo, é um trabalho muito difícil ter que coordenar tanta gente assim. e mais uma vez, obrigado por escutar a voz Br no jogo, vocês não tem noção do quanto rate sofremos em diversos jogos e o quão importante é para nós, termos voz e conseguir nos expressar e ter opinião dentro de um jogo com grande maioria fora do nosso País.


sempre tentaremos ser os melhores, não por orgulho e não por ser melhor que os outros, mas por saber que podemos no superar (:

Meu imenso Obrigado @Tyrone


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First of all, I wanted to thank Tyrone for allowing us to speak in Portuguese here, and that's what I'm going to do. (I will try to use a language easy to translate by the translator)

Dentre as inúmeras coisas que posso falar como participante do BH2, a primeira que me vem à cabeça com certeza é: que evento incrível. Sinceramente, espero ansiosamente por uma nova edição! 

Dito isso, não há forma de não mencionar o empenho que colocamos no evento, mas não só nós do time, mas toda comunidade brasileira. As conversas descontraídas durante horas no Discord, a intensificação das amizades, realmente é um momento divertido para se jogar. Acredito que posso dizer que foi uma forma de consolidar ainda mais a comunidade brasileira dentro do jogo. Obviamente que a corrida para terminar as logs foi extremamente cansativa e roubou algumas horas de sono, mas fico com a sensação de dever cumprido no final das contas.  

Me pergunto se o evento não seria melhor otimizado caso tivesse duração de apenas um final de semana, mas há diferentes formas de pensar sobre o que funcionaria melhor, e nem sempre as coisas saem como previmos, é algo natural do ser humano. No final das contas, cada dinâmica do evento, seja de duração, seja de regras, traz diferentes benefícios e malefícios. 

Uma coisa perceptível é que após o primeiro lugar ser decidido, a maior parte dos jogadores foi desistindo do evento, não sei se é apenas pelas recompensas ou por outros motivos (acredito que isso cada um deva falar por si).  Mas acho que as recompensas para cada colocação são extremamente justas. 

Falando um pouco do futuro, espero ansiosamente por novos eventos pvm - talvez com formatos diferentes - solo ou em grupo, com vários bosses ou apenas um, quem sabe o que pode ser explorado. 

Não posso deixar de mencionar que sinto muito por toda situação e estresse que este evento acabou gerando para você, Tyrone. Imagino o quão cansativo e trabalhoso é criar um evento inteiro sozinho, e admiro todo trabalho e atenção colocada nele por você. 

E mais uma vez, um grande obrigado por deixar este espaço para podermos falar em português e expressar o que sentimos. É muito gratificante o acolhimento que tens dado à comunidade brasileira. Obrigado!

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  • Did you participate in Boardhunter II? Yes as a way to reconnect with friends and spend some time on a game I enjoy.
  • Would you participate again in the future? Without doubt it was a lot of fun all things considered.
  • What did you like about the event? The way it breathed new life into the server for a while and allowed for approaches from a different angles to vary up playstyle. I enjoyed planning for the forthcoming days of bonus points and bonding with friends with the event as a medium for that.
  • What did you dislike about the event? People being angry at us but not talking to us about it but other than that nothing I believe the changes were made with the best interest of the competition at heart and anyways im just a participant rules change its just down to my team and I to adapt.
  • Was the event period too long or too short? This is a hard question as I could say both as I do believe the longer format could've worked and thus been more appealing to a wider player base who were not free to maximise points in a short space of time but also the short time period it ended up also utilising was good for a push to the end and for other teams to motivate and bring the best out of each other in a competitive nature.
  • Were the rewards worth participating? The title is very very cool although I did hear the participants of the last BH got both a gold and purple title (im not 100% sure of this but it would be cool if the winners of this BH could too), the pet and the cape are also items I can see the appeal of even if not to my particular taste (still awesome prizes though just personal preference)
  • What event(s) would you like to see next? Possibly another BH but one involving maybe obscure drops from easier to kill bosses or mobs to allow for entrance of anyone as I saw some players stating they felt uncomfortable enterting a PVM tournament without end game gear, or maybe something skilling related for the non-pvm players.

PS Thank you to all staff responsible for planning, organising, hosting the event it was a lot of fun and the hard for putting up with us is appreciated. 

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Bom o @Diogo já disse tudo, eu só voltei pro game por causa do evento, e vi que muitos também voltaram.

Me diverti muito nesse evento, e espero que tenha outro logo.

Como o Diogo disse poderia ter um com menos tempo de duração, sendo Solo/dou/trio.


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  • Did you participate in Boardhunter II? Why or why not?

Yes, I participated in Boardhunter II. The event came at the perfect time. School was over and vacation just started.

  • Would you participate again in the future?

Of course! It was extremely fun. This event created many fond memories for me. 

  • What did you like about the event?

Everything about it was nice. From the rewards to the to gimmicks. The rewards were very nice and incentivized many players to try their hardest and the gimmicks gave the chance for players to "catch up" in a sense.  Making the teams and getting to know others was in my opinion the most enjoyable part. 

  • What did you dislike about the event?

Honestly, the constant change in rules. My teammates have said their parts in this regard already and I completely agree with their views. 

  • Was the event period too long or too short?

Perfect in my opinion. 

  • Were the rewards worth participating?

Yes, 100%

  • What event(s) would you like to see next?

I love PVM so, another similar one would be amazing. 

I saw that there were many that did not participate in the BH2 event. Maybe a PVM event and a skilling event in the future?

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Thank you to all that helped create this. I know it took everyone, even some staff members that aren’t with us anymore. I was here at the tail-end of the BH1 and it’s impossible to have a winner without a close second or some kind of banter (good or bad). 

  • Did you participate in Boardhunter II? Why or why not?

I did. My time logged in lately has solely been for grinding pets. Figured a competition with my friends / team would take my mind off of the burnout. 

  • Would you participate again in the future?

Of course! Who doesn’t love a good event amidst the madness?!

  • What did you like about the event?

Truthfully, I like that it gave an objective. Playing aimlessly on your own can get stale, but given a goal to reach and direction that are commonplace amongst your piers creates a new spark.

  • What did you dislike about the event?

Misleading title, the gimmick. It was a longer event than many would have liked.  “Competition.” The title threw, at least, my team off since when it’s boardhunter, you hunt the board. You don’t get a few items a day and still have the opportunity to win if you start skilling in the middle of it. This ties into the gimmick. The gimmick was a phenomenal and amazing idea… if it wasn’t for this event. (Sorry Tyrone ily). To quote 10hp, “you don’t play bingo and have your board filled just to wait the rest of the time to see if anyone else gets it.” The clue gimmick was horrifying to see when I opened the doc, thank god it got removed. The bonus point gimmick was awesome but it really defeated the point of this particular event in my opinion.

  • Was the event period too long or too short?

As Twenty said, either which way it would have gone, time would have benefitted certain people. Too long for us, too short for others which is understandable.

  • Were the rewards worth participating?

Not going to beat a dead horse, just happy there were rewards at all (:

  • What event(s) would you like to see next?

I believe for any other event, having different categories for prizes would be nice. Solo, duo, team (4), clan (8) type beat. Each having their own prize pool. Even possibly a section for sweats/non-sweats. Limiting playtime or play hours per day for that section where they can only get drops from within certain time parameters of server hours (which may be team oriented and not event wide, but this would be harder to track and keep up with). While the sweats just go all out until death or victory.

Overall, my first event and I super enjoyed it. Im sorry to people who got upset, BH1 was my staple example to follow as I thought that was how it would be and I admired those that won. I did not realize how much hate they actually got for it. Thanks again to everyone who created it, and to Team BR for lighting that fire under our ass. It could have gone either way at the end, well played.


*Edit*: Maybe set up a group chat of trusted players in the community to give feedback/discuss possible pros and cons within an already given event template. Sort of how the BH2 channel was created ( although we weren't added >.> ) but just to shoot the shit about every possibility. I'm sure the concern of "what if this or that" would have came up very early if it wasn't on a forum platform and was in a more casual environment. 

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First, thanks for the opportunity to authorize us to use our preferred language. The Brazilian community loves the game, and we are grateful for that.
Sorry for my bad english, I'm still learning IRL.

1) Did you participate in Boardhunter II? Why or why not?
Unfortunately I couldn't. My real-life job didn't allow me time for the event. Despite that, sometimes I managed to help some friends, like @Diogo @Wendt @sscent
Next time I hope to be able to participate.

Would you participate again in the future?
As I mentioned before, I hope to be able to participate, I really love the PVM Events. 

3) What did you like about the event?
I liked how the whole community focused on achieving the end goal. It was crazy to see the drops of all the teams all the time. I liked how the event also helped to improve the price of items.

4) What did you dislike about the event?
As I didn't participate, I don't have much to say. However, I have seen that some rules have changed in the course of the event and this takes players by surprise.
As a personal opinion, the difference in drop rate between players. For those participating in the event, everyone could have an equality. Since it's an event, everyone should play and have the same conditions, like reset everyone's drop rate or set one for the duration of the event.

5) Was the event period too long or too short?
The timing of the event was good.

6) Were the rewards worth participating?
I loved the rewards.

7) What event(s) would you like to see next?
How about a skilling event like the king of the skill?


Sincerely, thank you.

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